What Perl, Python, and Java need to learn from C

Last updated February 9, 2003.

Perl sucks. I love writing Perl code, but I can't even begin to contemplate shipping a production application based on it, because I can't rely on anybody else in the world having the same Perl environment as the one on my particular machine. The Perl module system needs to be seriously rethought. No, I don't want to upgrade to a newer version of a particular module because I don't know what other code I might have on my system that could be dependent on it, and could break. And damn, now I have been forced to upgraded the module, I find that the breakage wasn't even caused by a bug. The interface has changed, some other module I used to use doesn't work any longer, and nobody has even written a replacement.

No, I don't want to upgrade to a newer release of Python, to run your app, unless before doing so you are willing to sign something promising me that there isn't any way that any of my other applications could possibly break.

No, I don't want to install a Java runtime. My system already has one installed, thank you. Use it. If it is broken, file a bug, and work with the distributor to come up with a patch, or minor version upgrade, that I can apply. They can't do that? You have to install a whole new runtime? Why?

I hate C. Programming in C is so tedious, but it is still the best choice for writing robust portable software. I can rely on a program I write in C today, still running on my Linux box in 10 years, even without needing to be recompiled. This isn't a property of the C language. This is a property of C implementations, in particular the dynamic library system. If other language implementations copied this, we could get rid of C, and I am sure there would be a lot more reliable robust software getting written Python, Perl, and Java.

The more the industry changes, the more it stays the same. I remember back when dynamic libraries where first starting to become in vogue on Unix. At first there were all sorts of reliability problems, and vendors would ship static binaries to try and avoid them. Eventually people figured out a common framework, and some pretty strict rules to make the system work.

These are the consensus rules that evolved around C application and run time library development, but which Perl, Python, and Java are still missing:

Following these rules is the reason all of the system software on your machine that was written in C some 10 or more years ago still works today, and why you can still count on it to work in the future, long after any of the more recent code has stopped running, or needs upgrading.

This isn't sexy stuff, but it is key to making languages useful. Implementation matters far more than innovation. C gets this. Current Perl, Python, and Java implementations do not. A pity, since it doesn't seem very difficult to provide, and would make a big difference in usability. Perl allows applications to specify which module versions they require at build time, but then screws up by not allowing multiple module versions to co-exist at run time.

This isn't even something C implementations invented with their dynamic libraries in the late 1980's. Dynamic binding was considered a bad idea probably as far back as the 1960's, so why do Perl, Python, and Java still rely on it for their runtimes?

Towards a solution:

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